CAN Converter Installation Instructions
Part 1:
Configure the VIPEC to support OBD2 requests on CAN Module 1:
"i" Series VIPEC:
1) Under the ECU Controls menu, select the CAN Configuration menu item.
2) Select CAN Module 1
3) Set the Mode to User Defined
4) Set the bit rate to 500kps
5) Enable OBD2 by setting ISO-15764-4 on CAN1
"v" Series VIPEC:
1) Under the ECU Controls menu, select the CAN Configuration menu item.
2) Setup the following:
Data Rate: 500 KBPS
Channel 1:
CAN ID: 1000
Data Direction: ECU Transmit
Transmit Format: Sequential
Transmit Rate: 2Hz
Channel Data Order:
1st-Engine Temp
2nd-Intake Temp
3rd-Barometric Pressure
Connect the CAN Converter to 12V power source and ground:
1) Use a splice tap to connect the red wire on the CAN Converter to the Red wire with Blue stripe on the vehicle. The Red wire with Blue Stripe goes to the diagnostic connector and can easily be accessed there. This wire should show 12V with a multimeter only when the vehicle is running.
2) About 6 inches from one of the connectors to the ECU, use a splice tap to connect the black wire on the CAN Converter to a black ground wire.
Part 3:
Connect the CAN Converter to the Gauge:
1) On the 26 pin ECU connector (the smaller of the two), cut the light blue wire in position #22 (bottom row) about 6 inches from the connector. Cut it far enough away that if you ever put a stock ECU in the vehicle you can reconnect the wire with a butt splice. Use the supplied blue wire with a butt splice on it to hook the cut wire up to the center wire on the CAN Converter, which is blue. Make sure that you connect it to the non-ECU side of the wire, which leads to the gauge.
Part 4:
Connect the CAN wires to the ECU:
1) Install the supplied yellow wire with a pin on it into position 34 of the 34 pin ECU connector (the larger of the two). This position will be on the edge of the bottom row of the ECU connector. Install the supplied green wire with pin on it into position 33 of the 34 pin ECU connector. To insert the pins you need to push the pin retainer in the connector up using a pair of pliers, and remove the white pin blanks before pushing the pin into the connector.
The following picture shows the pin retainer in the unlocked position:
The following picture shows where to push on the connector to unlock the pin retainer:
The following picture shows where to place the pins in the 34 pin connector:
Part 5:
Confirming the CAN Converter is working and Troubleshooting
Once you have all the wires hooked up, start the vehicle. If it has power you will see a red LED light up next to where the wires come out. If the prototype is receiving data, converting, and re-transmitting it, you will see a second red LED on the other side of the wires.
If you do not see any red LEDs:
-Ensure that the red and black wires that supply power and ground are hooked up. Use a multimeter to ensure that there is 12V between the splice connections for the red and black wires.
If you see a single flashing red LED:
-Ensure that the connections for the green and yellow wires on the CAN Converter are properly hooked up.
-Connect the yellow wire with pin to the green wire on the CAN Converter and the green wire with pin to the yellow wire on the CAN Converter and restart the vehicle to try again. Make sure the VIPEC is setup for ODB diagnostic on CAN1 with a bit rate of 500kps.
If you only see one red LED:
-Ensure that the VIPEC is setup to support OBD2 diagnostic information on CAN Module 1 with a bit rate of 500kps.
If you see two red LEDs but do not see engine temperature, intake temperature, or have a valid altitude on the reflashed gauge:
-Ensure that the blue wire is connected to the light blue wire that travels to the gauge's connector properly. Use a multimeter to measure the resistance between the blue wire's split connector and a paperclip in the gauge's connector to verify connectivity.
Part 6 (Optional):
Using the speedometer sensor filter
The CAN Converter contains a filter that can be used to create a cleaner signal to the gauge and the VIPEC. On some vehicles the gauge and/or the VIPEC will show random movement when the vehicle is not moving, or an inconsistent speed while moving. The speedometer sensor filter can be used to address these problems.
The stock configuration of the speedometer sensor's wiring has the sensor's output signal going to both the 36 pin connector on the ECU and the hood harness connector:
To install the speedometer sensor filter you will want to connect the white wire with orange stripe (the sensor's output) to the CAN converter's speedometer sensor input. You will then connect the CAN converter's speedometer sensor filter output to both the 36 pin ECU connector and the hood harness connector:
Wiring Modification Steps:
1) Cut the white wire with orange stripe about 4 inches from the 36 pin ECU connector. The following picture shows the white wire with orange stripe at the 36 pin ECU connector:
2) Connect the end of the cut white wire with orange stripe (near the 34 pin connector) that leads from the speedometer sensor to the CAN converter's speedometer input:
3) Connect the output of the CAN converter's speedometer sensor filter output to the cut white wire with orange stripe that leads to the 36 pin ECU connector using a butt splice. Use the included red wire to do this:
4) Cut the white wire with orange stripe about 4 inches from the hood harness connector. This picture shows the white wire with orange stripe in the hood harness connector:
5) Connect the output of the CAN Converter's speedometer output filter to the cut white wire with orange stripe that leads to the hood harness connector using a butt splice. To do this you will either need to install a second wire into the CAN Converter's speedometer filter output, or splice tap the wire the runs to the 36 pin ECU connector's white wire with orange stripe. This wire will need to run beside the wire loom to the hood harness connector.
6) Use electrical tape to protect the cut end of white wire with orange stripe that leads towards the hood harness connector from the speedometer sensor.