Mapping Features
Street, Elevation Contour, and Aerial Imagery:
The NS1 Gauge System is preloaded with maps based on OpenStreetMaps data. Aerial imagery and topographic maps for the United States are also available offline using an area caching feature. You can also control the transparency of maps, which allows you to overlay Aerial imagery map on top of street maps.
Aerial and Topographic
Street Map
Map Controls
Preloaded Trail Maps:
The NS1 Gauge System currently ships with preloaded trail maps for:
New York
Support for Splitscreen Mode with 3rd Party Mapping Apps
Since the NS1 Display runs Android it can run other mapping apps splitscreen with gauges. Mapping apps such as Google Maps, Polaris Ride Command, and apps specific to Canadian provinces are known to work.
Support for Garmin Compatible Maps:
The NS1 Gauge System can use Garmin compatible map products from many different vendors. It even supports MicroSD cards preloaded with these map products. These maps often include points of interest, like gas stations, restaurants, and lodging. At the moment turn by turn directions are not available. Although most any Garmin compatible map product will work, the following have been confirmed to work correctly:
VVMapping (Midwest)
GPS TrailMasters (New England)
TrakMaps (Canada)
VVMapping on Aerial Imagery
GPSTrailMasters on Street Map
Garmin Map Rendering Control
Supports Preloaded MicroSD Cards
Tracks, and Way Points:
The NS1 Gauge will support the usual tracks and way points features that you've likely seen on most GPS units. You'll be able to export the tracks and way points you've created as KML files, which can easily be converted into GPX files. You can even take your tracks that you've recorded and use them as trails for future rides.
Example with Multiple Tracks
Export Tracks to Google Earth or Garmin Basecamp